Wednesday 25 June 2008


Well I decided to create another blog! Lets see how long i can keep it going eh!
Past 2/3 weeks in college have been pants! They said oh you must come because otherwise you cant continue the course next year...
andd noww...there are no lectures!
Going on a lovely outing tomorrow...doing my geog coursework with a few people..should be fun seeen as its gonna rain aand we're gonna be stuck on a beach..wet and covered in sand!

Going to Cape Verde next weeek! Which should be interesting seen as it loooks like a desert over there! Shall be 2 weeeks of me going...'What shall I do!' And there'll prolly not be anyone my age there either!
I am going to go mad...well..more mad.
Rather annoyed I go on hols the day Jamie comes home =/

I actually now think im addicted to rainbow drops....dont laugh I'm serious!
And I think I'm having withdrawal symptoms from not eating any...dizzy, sleeepy, bad head.

Me, Rach, Josh and Sam went to llangennith beach yesterday and it was rather fun!

We need more beach trips I say!

Ohhh and uni! what do i study and whereee! its so confusing! and money....where do i get all the money for uni im stressing out bout it big timee!

I'll end some smelly bum scrubbing outta bins! Jokees
But seriously im very confused about what to do in lifee!

Some wisk me away somewhere?

Well...that was a crap blog haha enjoy

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